TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Plum

TB Baits Essence 20 ml
6,05 EUR
In stockand ready to dispatch
CodeTB00310ProducerTB BAITSWarranty24 months
Select a variant
BananaCode:TB003066,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Banana
Black PearlCode:TB003076,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Black Pearl
ButterCode:TB003116,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Butter
CitrusCode:TB003086,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Citrus
GarlicCode:TB003146,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Garlic
LiverCode:TB003156,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Liver
MonsterCode:TB003186,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Monster
Monster CrabCode:TB003166,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Monster Crab
PeachCode:TB006305,89 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Peach
Peach LiverCode:TB006315,89 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Peach Liver
PineappleCode:TB003096,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Pineapple
PlumCode:TB003106,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Plum
SquidCode:TB003176,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Squid
StrawberryCode:TB003126,05 EUR
In stock
Expected DeliveryTuesday 18.2.
TB Baits Essence 20 ml - Strawberry
Highly concentrated essence of TB Baits.

We include our essences in the offer only after long-term testing. It is a non-traditional scent with perfect tempting effects. Not only the name, but above all the results of our essences suggest that this is absolute top. They are the best of our offer. You can use it in production of boilies, dips, method mixes, but also to make your baits more attractive, such as neutral pop ups. Or for even greater aggressiveness of already flavored pop ups for which you want to increase or restore their signal. Our essences are highly concentrated, so there is no need for high dosing.

Dosage: 3-6 ml/kg.

